Onlyfans Bans : OnlyFans just banned public sex videos
Onlyfans Bans : OnlyFans just banned public sex videos . We have secured assurances necessary to support our diverse creator community and have suspended the planned october 1 policy change, the. Onlyfans is reversing its decision to ban porn. Onlyfans, a site where fans pay creators for their photos and videos, is planning to ban sexually explicit content. Onlyfans, which was founded in 2016 and has 130 million users, boomed during the pandemic as it became one way for creators to earn money by selling content directly to paying subscribers. Although onlyfans was not created specifically for porn,. Onlyfans is pumping the brakes on its controversial decision to ban pornography, but the damage may already be done to the content subscription service. But it announced on wednesday that it will continue to. After facing enormous backlash from creators, subscribers, and the public, onlyfans is reversing its upcoming ban on the sexually explicit content that propelled the...